Bridget Sullivan Mermel


Financial Advisor

Sullivan Mermel, Inc.

Chicago, IL
Anywhere / Virtual Meetings
Bridget Sullivan Mermel

Fee Only Financial Planner Located in Chicago, IL and Serving Clients Nationwide

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I am Fee-Only

I do not accept commission, referral fees, or compensation of any kind based on selling financial products, without exception.

I am a Fiduciary

I will put your best interests first, and fully disclose and manage unavoidable conflicts fairly in your favor, at all times.

Bridget Sullivan Mermel is a Chicago, IL fee-only financial planner. Sullivan Mermel, Inc. provides comprehensive financial planning, including retirement and education planning, tax planning and Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) to help attorneys, retirees, and near retirees organize, grow and protect their assets through life’s transitions. As a fee-only, fiduciary, and independent financial advisor, Bridget Sullivan Mermel is never paid a commission of any kind, and has a legal obligation to provide unbiased and trustworthy financial advice.

Get to Know Bridget Sullivan Mermel

Watch "The Chicago Money Show" Hosted by Bridget Sullivan Mermel 

Watch our "Friends Talk Financial Planning" YouTube Channel

Bridget Sullivan Mermal is a fee-only financial advisor at Sullivan Mermel, Inc located in Chicago, IL.

Ever since I was growing up in Mequon, Wisconsin, I have been fascinated with money and how people earn it, invest it, and spend it. Nothing got my attention like the stock market contest my econ teacher ran. 

​When I went to college, I wanted to learn as much about money and business as I could, so I majored in accounting and marketing. I had to take a writing class; creative writing was supposed to be an “easy A, ” so I signed up. Unlike the other business majors in the class, I loved it. My avocation was born.

In 1997, I started a tax practice. At the same time, I was drawn to writing about personal finance and fascinated by how people handle their money. As my practice developed, I was increasingly turned off by the financial services industry, yet increasingly aware of the need that clients had for good personal financial advice. From my perspective as a CPA, much of the industry seemed to be geared toward working with the super-wealthy, selling products of questionable value, or promoting schemes that benefited the sales person more than the customer. 

Then I found out about fee-only financial advising, particularly ACP (the Alliance of Comprehensive Planners.) Fee-only advisors are upfront about what clients are paying, so there are no hidden agendas. I felt an instant recognition of being among like-minded people. I’ve since joined ACP, XY Planning Network (XYPN),  as well as NAPFA (the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, another fee-only group) and have developed my own fee-only financial advisory practice. I love it. 

Degrees and Designations

BA in Accounting and Marketing from the University of Wisconsin, Madison 
Masters in Liberal Arts from DePaul University in Chicago. 
Certified Financial Planner ™
Certified Public Accountant

Other Experience

 I worked at Peterson & Company supporting high-profile litigation, as a manager, then district manager at Starbucks during their start-up phase, and supporting derivatives trading at O'Connor & Associates. 

For Fun

I love tennis, music, and reading! 

And...nerdy as this sounds, I enjoy getting the word out about fee-only financial planning to a broader audience.  Check out my articles on or subscribe to the Youtube channel I started with John Scherer, Friends Talk Financial Planning.

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I Can Help You With:

  • Comprehensive Financial Planning
  • Retirement Income Planning
  • Investment Strategy
  • Tax Planning
  • Education Planning
  • Real Estate Analysis
  • Estate Planning
  • Insurance Analysis

Ideal Clients:

  • Retirees and Near Retirees
  • Attorneys
  • Sudden Money Situations
  • Professionals Compensated with Stock or Stock Options
  • Experiencing a Life Transition

Media Mentions and Industry Involvement

Office Locations

  • 3744 N. Southport Avenue, Unit G - Chicago, IL 60613

FeeOnlyNetwork Disclosure

Advisorology, LLC ( earns an annual or monthly fee from financial advisors and financial firms in exchange for marketing services, including the advisor profile, that are subject to terms of use. This creates a material conflict of interest and a financial incentive to only include advisors in the directory from whom FeeOnlyNetwork has received compensation. FeeOnlyNetwork is not a client of these advisors or firms.

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